Three Villages

Year 7/8 Village

Santa Maria College White Curve IntroPink CirclePink CirclePink Circle

Welcoming and knowing your daughter

The transition from primary to secondary school can be a big one. Within the Year 7-8 Village your daughter will be welcomed and supported as she settles into her learning journey.

Making new friends, connecting with teachers and being part of a hope-filled community is what makes learning so rich and exciting in the Year 7-8 Village.

Three Village Leaders facilitate the faith, learning and wellbeing of every student, and the Victorian Curriculum informs all subjects delivered within the IB/MYP framework.

Knowing girls and understanding how they grow and learn is at the heart of the Santa Maria endeavour.

Knowing your daughter, and understanding her particular gifts and needs, is at the heart of the Village structure.


An integral part of your daughter’s journey at Santa Maria is engagement with the life of the Christian story. The lens we draw on to encounter the message and values of the Gospel is the charism of the Good Samaritan Sisters.

Prayer & Liturgy

In the Year 7-8 Village, all prayer and liturgical experiences have an emphasis on community, belonging and hospitality. Girls are invited to lead and participate in:

  • daily communal prayer and meditation
  • reflective prayer to commence village and whole school assemblies
  • acknowledgment of Country, Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week reflections
  • village and college liturgies and eucharists

Faith in Action experience

In Year 7, girls take part in a community service activity in semester two. Within the safety of their pastoral class girls witness firsthand the outreach and services provided to people living on the margins of society. They visit outreach centres like Sacred Heart Mission in Preston.

Social and Earth Justice

One of the central values of the Good Samaritan Sisters’ Benedictine spirituality is stewardship. In the Year 7-8 Village, your daughter will begin a six year journey in appreciating the importance of social justice and in encountering God’s presence in all living things. Girls participate in a range of justice activities involving:

  • Green Team - Santa’s student lead environment group
  • Justice organisations ie. Caritas Australia, Asylum Seekers Resource Centre
  • Good Samaritan ministries ie. Good Samaritan Inn